Saturday, May 24, 2014


I finally have the space to garden! It's exciting and scary all at the same time. I don't have a ton of knowledge other than what I know from helping my parents when I was younger. So I'll have to be patient with myself and learn as I go.

I really wanted to start an herb garden first because it's not only cute to look at, but practical too. Earlier this month, I came across an antique store showing off some of their items on a shelf made from a ladder and 2x4. They were using it because they didn't have enough shelf space...but I thought it was the perfect way to showcase a patio herb garden!

We found a small ladder on Craigslist for $10. I liked the weathered look so I kept it as-is. My husband bought some cheap plywood and painted it bright red to add some color. It was fun picking different vegetables and herbs to grow. We'll see what makes the cut for next year's garden!

I spray painted wide popsicle sticks black and used a white paint marker to label the plants.