Tuesday, July 12, 2016


I've been so inspired by the women all around me sharing their innermost secrets about their struggles and challenges with pregnancy loss, abortion, infertility and adoption. Women in the media. Friends. Strangers. Other bloggers. I hate that all of these women have had to endure such hardship, but at the same time, I'm proud of them.

I know how incredibly difficult it can be to share a personal experience with the world. It doesn't matter if it's on a grand platform like Good Morning America or just a simple post on your own Facebook page. It's hard to expose yourself. I commend all of the brave warriors who choose to share, because even though it might not seem like a huge deal, each women's story gets us closer to eliminating the stigmas. One step closer to a society that feels more comfortable talking openly about these sensitive topics. One step closer to women empowerment.

It's a beautiful thing.

I've been thinking a lot about all of the women who have reached out to me over the past year and a half. Those who have messaged me just to say "me too", those who have shared every detail of their heartbreaking journeys and those who have thanked me for making them feel less alone. I've felt so honored to help open that door for someone else. And because of that one blog post, article or Facebook post, we've been able to connect and heal. Together.

So this got me thinking...what if I could encourage empowerment in this little space that I've created? What if by giving one woman a platform, she could take her first steps toward healing? I have this blog, and while it's nothing fancy, it's still a platform. Even if only one person in the world reads it, I believe that's all it really takes.

So here's what I'm proposing: I want to start sharing guest blog posts for anyone who feels compelled on their journey to share. Maybe you're at an all-time low and need to let it out, or maybe you've recently found the strength to begin talking about it. Or, maybe you just want to be one more warrior to help break the stigma. Whatever the reason, I want to create a comfortable and inviting space for someone to do so.

Here's how it will work:

1. Write a guest post about pregnancy loss, abortion, infertility, adoption or anything of the sort. Anything you want to share to help you heal or to help someone else heal. You can write a long story. You can write 1 sentence or 1 paragraph. You can create a poem or lyrics. You can design a piece of artwork. It doesn't matter. Get it on paper.

Here are some thought starters:
A difficult personal experience or story
Your journey of grief and healing
A story of hope and inspiration
Reflections and learnings from your experience
Opinions or experiences dealing with stigmas
Thoughts from a supportive friend or family member
2. Email your post (and a title) to me at citytosouthblog@gmail.com. I will credit the story to you (first name only or first and last name, whichever you prefer) OR you can choose to remain anonymous. Please be sure to make it clear how you'd like to be credited when you submit your story. The point of this is to provide a platform for someone who might need it, so there's no pressure. It's whatever you feel most comfortable with.

3. If appropriate, I will share your story as-is on my blog. I won't plan to share guest posts very frequently, but I'll gauge it on the interest I receive. There's no time limit on submitting - it's whenever you feel ready. And if no one ever submits a post, well, then, that's okay too!

I honestly have no idea how any of this will go or if anyone will be interested, but I think it's worth throwing out there. Writing about my experiences has been so freeing and healing for me and I think others could benefit from it, too.

Questions? Thoughts? Feel free to message me on Facebook at City to South or email me citytosouthblog@gmail.com.