Thursday, November 2, 2017


I love Halloween. Always have. Since having kids, my love for Halloween has risen to a whole new level. What's better than reliving one of your fondest childhood memories through the lens of your own kids?

Saturday, October 21, 2017


Babies are worth celebrating, whether it's your first, second or fifth. In the past, showers were typically meant to celebrate first-time moms, but baby "sprinkles" are a new trend that's emerged that ignores that tradition. Basically, a sprinkle is just a scaled-down version of a baby shower -- less people, less frills, and typically less or no gifts since many second time moms already have all the equipment they need. It's a great way to tastefully welcome a sweet new addition.

Friday, August 11, 2017


If you follow me on instagram, you've probably noticed that I've been meal prepping like a crazy person. This all started back in mid-May. I had just taken a 16 week unpaid maternity leave and our cash flow had taken a bit of a hit. (Well, I guess technically I got 60% of my salary for 6 weeks, but it was from my own short term disability plan that I paid into myself. My company paid for nothing. I know, don't even get me started...) Anyway, James and I sat down one night and decided to take a hard look at our overall spending to understand where we could make cuts to get us back on track.

Monday, June 19, 2017


My body has been through a whole hell of lot these past few years. I've had weeks where I've gained 10 and others where I've lost 10. 4 pregnancies in 3 years with lots of emotional highs and lows will do that to you. Sometimes I'd have an "I don't give a fuck" attitude, and I'd fill the void with ice cream and wine. Other times I was so depressed I could barely keep a bite of food down. Pregnancy loss does a number on your self esteem, especially when it comes to your body image.

Saturday, June 3, 2017


I was attempting to organize my millions of photos during my lunch hour on Friday and came across an untitled folder on my desktop. I opened it up and there they were...the maternity photos we took when I was pregnant with Grace. It was right there among my folders titled Faye's Maternity Pictures, Faye's Newborn Pictures and Joe's First Birthday.